(1)回答问题时用英语,语速可放慢。 如果太快,签证官认为您的英语很好,也因此会加快语速,这样您可能会听不懂。当然,官员有时故意提高说话的速度,来考核您的英语水平。您可以把语速压下来,讲得慢并不是说明英语差,语法要正确。
(2) 回答问题时要简明扼要,态度不卑不亢。 不要有太多细节方面的解释。签证官没有那么多时间听无关紧要的事,另外,太多的细节会掩盖了重要的事项,留学目的也显得不单纯。
(3)回答时要切中要害,密切联系自己,切忌空空泛泛。 很多申请者,话讲了一大堆,绕了半天圈子,还没有提到自己,没有正面回答问题。回答要有特殊性,如果很泛泛地讲,您的情况泯然于众人,那么谁会得到签证呢?要非常具体化,有说服力,表明自己的情况和去美国的目的。
(6)创造机会申述。 签证官面试的“最高境界”就是占主动,变成了您问,签证官答。巧设悬念,引发兴趣,自我发挥,以理服人。有人说,只问了一句话怎么办,我说,问了一句,我能给他发挥十句。那签证官不让多讲怎么办?您可以巧设悬念,等签证官来问。
五、最希望被问到的问题 :)
1. 简单个人历史
24) What’s your name?
43) How long have you prepared your visa interview? Have u prepared the interview in New Oriental?
46) Where are you from? Where is your hometown?
62) Have you ever been to nations aside of China? Have you ever gone abroad?
63) What’s your favorite food?
67) How old are you?
73) How long have you been in Shanghai?
75) What’s your hobby? What do you do in your spare time?
82) Where is your HUKOU(户口)?
87) Which is your favorite restaurant (cafe)?
89) Where do you live? Where will you live?
104) Do u have a cup of coffee every morning?
105) what kind of computer do you have?
106) what is your favorite color?
2. 复杂个人问题
42) What do you think of the *** (a question VO is interested to know concerning your major) in China?
59) What is your favorite pet? Why?
60) What’s your best/worst quality.
74) Why did you live in Shanghai?
81) Who do you think is the best president of the US?
84) Do you think who is the greatest leader in the world? Why?
3. 亲属问题
23) Do you want your wife to go with you?
34) Do you have any relatives in the United States?
35) What do your parents do?
68) Have you any relatives in US?
72) Do you have sisters or brothers?
80) What is your favorite American movie?
83) Do you have a girlfriend? Where is she? Are you sure your gf will keep relation with you during your graduate study?
1. 笼统问法
3) What will you do in USA?
11) What is your purpose for the visa?
2. 关于国家
4) Are you going to study in USA?
7) How long will you study in USA?
19) Why do you want to study in USA?
27) Why do you want go to the United States for further study? (if the accent is on “United States”)
30) Many universities in the China offer first--rate graduate programs in ***. Why do you want to go to the USA for graduate study?
53) When are you going to enter US?